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[Page 177]

I feel I am playing the wag because I dont think I am going to get the mumps but I suppose it is safer to stop as it would be a pity to bring them home. Cousin Jocelyn says to tell you not to worry at all about me having to stay here for so long, that they very much like to have me and wish I could stay for shearing. As I work pretty hard and do all I can to help I think it is the truth. We had tennis yesterday afternoon, Mrs Walker can play a bit sometimes but thinks she can always & is most horribly stuck up about it. It was surgested that Alan & Dorathy should play her & me which would have been a pretty even set. But Mrs Walker prefered to have Alan for a partner and when Dora said I am afraid you will win very easily she said ' Oh! Never mind its always nice to win" in a most la da voice which made me cuss.

Sunday afternoon

Have just been driving the Buic [Buick] about everywhere. Sam offered me a job and I could learn Motor driving. My Word I wish I could accept. I would learn all sorts of engineering, lathe turning etc, Would it pay to take a job for a while? I am afraid I wont be able to get in LH [Light Horse] as I saw in paper other day that they would not take anyone over 11 stone & I am nearly 12 now. I think I offered to go to him for a week but he said it would be too short to learn anything.


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