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Sunday 19 November 1916
Church Parade this morning, Col. Fuller attending.
I went to Kantara to enquire about Box containing Cigarettes for Canteen.
Large numbers of Indian Troops at Kantara in Camp.
Received Parcel from Friends at Wallangarra.
Harris, Col's Groom returned from week's leave Pt. Said.

Monday 20 November 1916
Col. Fuller at Brigade.
Lieu. Tooth on leave to Pt. Said.
A Squadron at Rifle Range.
Each day we expect a move but nothing definite reaches us. We are getting used to sudden orders, & any day now may mean a shift. The Head at Division do not confer too often with our people on these matters.

Tuesday 21 November 1916
Orders came through for Brigade to be ready to move off any time to the 26th for the front Line.
I left for Cairo by to-night's train arriving there midnight. Took up money etc. to Bank for Col. Fuller.
Posted letter Home.

Wednesday 22 November 1916
Brigade received word to leave tomorrow for the Front Line. Col. Fuller's arrangements for Cairo cancelled.
I ordered Heavy Breeches from Davies Bryan, also gave in Boots to be repaired.

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