Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 185
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Sunday 17 September 1916
[The following paragraph crossed through.]
Left Bir Sel Marna at 3-30 a.m. with Brigade & arrived in Camp 8 a.m. A number of Horses broke away during last night among being the Pardres & Generals.
After traveling all night we arrived at the outskirts of Mazzar. The 3rd Brigade got in touch with Enemy & they took a Trench. One Officer & some men were killed & wounded. The 7th captured a partrol consisting of a Turk Officer & 14 men with Camels. We withdrew & returned to Bir Sel Marna for night.
Monday 18 September 1916
Left Bir Sel Marna at 3-30 a.m. with Brigade & arrived in Camp at 8 a.m. A number of Horses broke away from Lines during last night among being the Pardre & General Ryrie's.
Major Bruxner stayed behind to clear up Camp etc.
I left for Et Maler by 1 oclock Train for Groceries & Officers equipment, stayed all night with Q.M.S. McGee.
Tuesday 19 September 1916
Secured 2 Limber Waggons & conveyed stuff to Romani Rail, arriving at Kilo 59 6 p.m. Harris met me with 12 Camels which after a rest carried everything to Camp a distance of 6 miles arriving there at midnight. Posted Home an Anzac Book.
Taube Bombed 3rd Brigade this morning but did no damage.
Major Bruxner left for Et Maler in connection with Water Inquiry.
Wednesday 20 September 1916
Col. Fuller inspecting outposts. General Ryrie over to see the Col. this afternoon.
Col. Fuller & Lieu. Walker to Brigade to night.
Major White of 2nd Brigade to Romani in connection with Water inquiry & also Lieu. Britton who is understudy to Capt. Stracker.