Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 211
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Thursday 2 November 1916
Col. Fuller over to Brigade. He wrote to 12th L.H. Reg. & Camel Corps re Account.
Artillary returned through Hill 70 to-day to rest Camp.
Capt. Ryrie arrived last night from England.
1st L.H. Brigade passing through to-day on their way to Gecila a Hod about 3½ miles south of Bir Salmarna.
A number of the 1st L.H. Brigade Officers took Lunch with Col. Fuller at midday to-day.
Friday 3 November 1916
I left by 11-30 a.m. Train for Pt. Said with Reg. money.
Paid up Hardy & Coy & placed to Regimental Credit in A/E Bank £91 odd. Ordered Quantity of of Canteen Goods.
Left for Hill 70 by 6-30 p.m. Train.
Wired to Cairo for 20,000 Cigarettes (Sweet Briars).
Col. Fuller at Brigade arranging for Transport.
Saturday 4 November 1916
Left Camp for Kantara this morning. Secured Officers Mess & Canteen Goods from Station, & placed all in Truck for Hill 70.
Ted Reed came in & got 5 Cases of Stout.
General Ryrie over this afternoon visiting Colonel Fuller.
Canteen Goods arrived to-night.
Capt. Teece arrived back from Cairo where He has been spending a few days.
Another batch of men went to Pt. Said.
At Kantara now the Military have built a large Pontoon on which an Engine & Trucks can be taken from side to side thus saving much time & labour in Transhipping.