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Sunday 24 September 1916
Col. Fuller at Brigade re Olive Hague protest & arranging about visiting Officers of 42nd Div. These Officers who were to come to day, will not arrive before tomorrow. Lieu. Almond & S.M. Weir arrived with Canteen Requisites.
Church parade at 5 p.m.
General Ryrie & Major White over to night visiting the Col.
Recommendations for Distinction are being arranged for by Col. Fuller &amp. Major Bruxner.
Col. Fuller went to 2nd L.H.B. Amb. this morning.

Tuesday 26 September 1916
Capt. Teece left for El Maler & Port Said. He is arranging for the placing of the 6th L.H.R. Dead in a suitable spot around El Maler. He is also going to Pt. Said to see Serg. Wilson who is progressing after his severe accident.
Col. Fuller to Brigade to interview the Generals who are taking over our Line.
Major Kendell of this Div. O. Corps inspected Horses this morning.
Letters & parcels arrived from Home dates 13 Aug.

Monday 25 September 1916
The Generals connected with the taking over of our Lines arrived with 57 Camels conveying their Kit Stores etc.
Canteen opened for both Officers & men to-day.
Col. allowed men of Regiment £1 credit to purchase Stores.
Serg. Hartley who was evacuated with septic Leg is now at Detail Camp writing up War Diary for Regimental use; & is now assisting Corp. Chisholm with the work in the Orderley Room.

Wednesday 27 September 1916
Orders out for 2nd L.H.B. to proceed to Hill 70 for the purpose of Training.
Major Cameron of the 12th over to purchase Canteen Stores from our Mess.
Packing up the kit etc. Camels took Padre's Kit to R. Head also all men without Horses left for El Maler.
Posted Letters Home.
Col. Todd of the 10th L.H.R. &amp. Q.M. Lieu. Capron took Dinner with our Officers tonight.

Current Status: 