Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 103

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Thursday 27 April 1916
A squad of our men carried 14 miles on stretcher a wounded Tommy. 6th A.L.H. under Major White as advance party, with Col. Fuller supporting, scouring Country around Qualia. Digging party out burying Dead – 31 Tommies & 10 Turks. Party found 2 more wounded Tommys & 1 Turk. This Turk had ribbons of different Battles he had been engaged in, & was on the Peninsular at the time we were there. The Camel Ambulance to away some of the wounded to R.H. Major Pelham returned to Cairo sick, & Major Anderson took his place as Brigade Major. Our Major is one of the youngest in the Aus. Army & is rapidly coming ahead. He joined our Regiment as 2nd Lieu. from Duntroon N.S.W.

Friday 28 April 1916
Col. Fuller writing out reports of previous days operations. Burying party out this morning to complete this work. The Camel Ambulance took remainder of wounded to Rail Head.
2nd A.L.H. Brigade Ambulance arrived by Camel train at 4 p.m. under Col. Croll.
Col. Fuller inspecting outposts.
7th Regiment formed the daily protrol. Cooks & other details under Sgt. Dickson arrived this Evening.
Immediately on receiving the written message from the Aviator a circle is formed if contents is understood & if not a cross is formed of men standing near.

Saturday 29 April 1916
Some of the H.Q. Divisional Staff arrived to inspect surrounding Country accompanied by our Brig. & Col. Fuller. Major Bruxner is in charge of escorts. Sgt. Hartley went to Railhead on Official Business & returned same day with Machine Gun Horses. Ted Reed went with Col. --- to R.H. & returned same day. Brig. & Col. Fuller returned from Kalia 6-30 p.m.
Qualia as spelt on map is pronounced as Kalia. This place is really nothing except a cement wall with good drinking water also a shallow cement trough. The work entailed in drawing the water for both man & Beast is heavy as one can only use Buckets & rope attached & draw up hand over hand. The spot has also a Date Palm grove near well, & a few dried up Gunyahs. A dried up Salt Lake takes up a good deal of surrounding land, & like all such places is dangerous to travel over. Camels have sunk & disappeared, & horses are often Bogged whilst attempting to cross.
The Divisional H.Q. of the Anzac Mounted, is quartered near Kantara in a large stone House. From there the whole operations are in direct touch, either by Telephone or Wireless.

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