Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 153

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Sunday 23 July 1916
Enemies Plane over our Camp early, our plane fast in pursuit. Machine Gun firing heard in the air towards Oghratina.
Col. Fuller at Brigade at request of General Chavel.
A "Demonstration" by 1st L.H. Brigade to-day at Katia, some killed & wounded of our men.
Result of Air Battle, our two men were wounded, but were able to bring their machine down at R.H. safely. Enemy's two planes were driven back, & one crippled.

Monday 24 July 1916
2nd L.H. Brigade left at 1-30 a.m. (midnight) for Katia under Brig. Royston.
Demonstration at 10 a.m. 18 lb Guns were brought into action with good effect. One N.Z. was killed & two 7th men injured.
Lieu. Walker was the Officer picked for the night partrol.
Brigade returned to El Maler at 10 p.m.
There were a number of narrow escapes during the Day, owing to some of our men getting right into the Turks Lines.
A French attache was with us during the Day.

Tuesday 25 July 1916
Enemies planes very busy around our Camp this morning.
The "Reinforcements" were allotted to their respective Squadrons to-day.
It appears that our Planes are not capable of overpowering the Taube, though many attempts have been made. Only to-day we witnessed one of ours flying away with all speed from the Enemy, who only gave up the chase when the heavy Guns set on Her.
Our Battle plane has lost for the time the only man who could "imshee" Johnny & is now in most inferior Hands.

Wednesday 26 July 1916
2nd L.H. Brigade left at 2 a.m. for Katia arriving there at 6 a.m. The 6th Regiment was in the advance, & were in touch all day with Enemy. Everything reported normal. During afternoon our "Guns" went out to prominent position & Heavily Shelled the Turks. 60 shells were hurled with good effect.
Quite a number of Heads came to view the operations.
Planes were conspicious by their absence both Enemy & and our own. A Rumour spread that the Turks were advancing on Romani to-night but it ended in nothing.
Returned camp 10 p.m.

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