Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 149

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Sunday 16 July 1916
I left by 6 a.m. Train for Kantara. Secured Officers Requisites & returned by 4-20 p.m. Train. Went to Transport Depot for Waggon to convey Stuff from West to East Station.
2 Natives fell off Train while traveling to Romani to-day. Went for Swim in Canal.
New Zealand Officers over for Lunch visiting Col. Fuller.
Limber Waggons came to meet Train tonight. (Church Parade)

Monday 17 July 1916
Taube over our Camp this morning. Machine Guns fired on Her. Our Plane went in pursuit.
Brig. inspecting Lines with Col. Fuller.
Officer of the 12th Reg. with us all day.
Serg. Ross under close arrest for misconduct.
Men on Leave returned to-night from Port Said.
Received a letter from Mrs. Robson.
Orders out that another Stunt on Wednesday.

Tuesday 18 July 1916
Further Good News from France.
Sir A. Murray who was to have inspected us to-day, failed to appear for some reason.
More Gift Stuff is being distributed among the Troops.
Other Horses are now developing the same complaint as the Col's, some kind of Egyptian Fever.
Enemy Plane over our lines again this morning, but quickly disappeared on approach of our machines.
Brig. Royston out inspecting this Evening called on Col. Fuller who has been feeling "Dicky" to-day.

Wednesday 19 July 1916
Lieu. Chisholm returned to duty this morning.
Col. Fuller & Major Bruxner over to Brigade in connection with Stunt arrangements. Owing to Col. Fuller feeling unwell Major Bruxner led the 6th Regiment this afternoon starting from Camp at 4 p.m. Col. Fuller stayed in Camp. The Regiment camps at Katia for Tea, then on to Bir el Ab returning tomorrow Evening.
Lieu. Thompson went out as Adjutant.
Received letters from Home dated 6-6-16, one from Mother & Grace.
Urgent. At 6 p.m. message received Turks in Force at Oghratina & Bayud.
Col. Fuller with 7th Machine Guns left Camp for Katia, where we joined Brigade.

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