Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 145

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Sunday 9 July 1916
Capt. Bolingbroke of the 5th accompanied us. In connection with the Stunt of yesterday & to-day, only one man Corp. Suffolk disobeying orders got out of touch & found Himself at Rail head tonight. An Air o plane yesterday evening came to the ground at Oghratina & was dismantled & brought in in Sections.
Capt. Stracker was out supervising the digging of fresh Wells. The regiments arrived back to El Maler about 7 p.m. after resting most of today at Oghratina. An Air o plane after our Operations flew into the Turks lines & Bombed the camp. The distance covered by our Horses was over 60 miles & only those who undertake the journey have any idea of the strain on Both.

Monday 10 July 1916
Col. Fuller at Brigade this morning.
More Wells being dug & troughing erected.
Our Kit Bags have arrived at last from Cairo.
The N. Zealanders sent over to the Col. a leg & loin of Goat.
Capt. Bolingbroke left this morning for Duedar.
New Zealand Officers visiting Col. Fuller to-night.
Major Bruxner camping out to-night with the outposts.

Tuesday 11 June 1916
Col. Fuller inspecting Camp.
Brigade orders are to the effect that our Regiment leaves Camp tomorrow evening for 24 hours duty around Oghratina digging wells, etc.
Enemys plane crossed over this morning. Our Plane went in pursuit.
The Official War news received to-day is very satisfactory.
Leave. One Officer per Regiment granted 3 days leave. Lieu. Tooth left to-day & took £55 to Bank for Col. Fuller.
A movement is on foot to establish a Rest Camp at Pt. Said for Troopers of the Anzac Mounted Division under Military Government.

Wednesday 12 June 1916
Shower Buckets have been secured for the men. These cost about 6/- each, & will make the present conditions much more bearable.
The Brigadier & Col. Fuller inspecting Camp. "Billie" the Col.'s Horse is on the sick list. It is feared that the strain of the Desert Work is proving too severe.
Leaving to-day at 4 p.m. with Regiment for Oghratina where we camp the night.
Capt. Stracker accompanyies Col. Fuller.
Camped to 1½ hours at Katia for Tea.
Major Bruxner stays behind & will supervise the Camp work here.
The 1st L.H. Brigade leaves to-day to scour the Country outside Oghratina.

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