State Library of NSW
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Sunday 4 June 1916Compulsory Church parade.Col. Fuller spoke to men re Canteen also had discussion with Officers of Regiment.Heavy wind Blowing dust everywhere.Col. Fuller & Onslow, & Lieu. Britton in Kantara securing Dry Goods etc. for Canteen.Serg. Hartley of the Orderly Room has reverted to the Troop, owing to His typing words of a nature that cast reflection on the C.O. & 2nd in Com. Corp. Collins has been placed in charge.News of a great Naval Battle in N. Sea.
Monday 5 June 1916Lieu. Britton in Kantara arranging about Goods for Canteen.Col. Fuller inspecting Camp.Very Hot & Dry. Ted Reed to Hill 40 for Groceries.Col. Fuller with Major White of Brigade.Capt. O'Hara 7th L.H. M.O., & Lieu. Snow of the 7th playing cards most of Day.Received Papers from Home.Report received from M. Officer of 3rd Section of Canal Zone, complaining about the unsanitary condition of different Camps.Oliver Hogue (or Honey Bunch) the Author of (Love letters from an Anzac) returned to Camp from England.[In margin] Major Bruxner on Field C.M. at Cantara.
Tuesday 6 June 1916Col. Wilson of the 5th L.H. Regiment has received the C.M.G.
[The following sentence crossed through.] Major Bruxner President of Court at Kantara. After spending the day there He returned at 6-30 p.m.
Further news of North Sea Fight to hand. The Battle most severe & about an equal number of Boats were sunk among them being the Queen Mary. Later news to the effect that our Boats cut off a number of the Enemy's light Cruisers & ran them into their own mine Fields blowing up 50% of them. About 5000 of our men were drowned. The German Fleet retired to their Base.Continued Tuesday.Col. Fuller went to Hill 40 for Canteen. I went to Kantara to get Straps put on Shirts. Had a swim in Canal. Posted letters Home.Orders are out permitting 4 Officers 3 days leave of Absence from each Regiment. Capt. Cross left on Holiday to-day.Enemy's Planes sighted around Romani to-day, but no damage reported.A Fresh supply of Horses are being sent on the the 3rd Reg. who lost so many during the Bomb outrage.
Wednesday over Leaf.
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