State Library of NSW
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Sunday 1 October 1916The Brigade struck Camp & stacked all tents by 8 a.m.I left at 9 a.m. with Officers luggage for Hill 70. Arrived at 11 a.m. Lieu. Britton represented Brigade & secured Camels to get our Kits over to Camp. Dick Phillips & I went into Kantara for a swim returning to Camp 9 p.m.At Romani to-day at 2 p.m. Gen. Chavel decorated certain men of our Brigade who won distinction at the recent Scrap; afterwards meeting Reg. Commanders & Officers of Squadrons.C.O. of Regts. were warned against lightly dealing with men at Court Martials.
Monday 2 October 1916The Brigade left Romani at 8 a.m. under General Ryrie for 70 Hill arriving at 2 p.m.The 1st L.H. Brigade under Gen. Cox left Hill 70 at 11 a.m. for Kantara where they camp near Transport Depot. Gen. Cox called on Col. Fuller & took Him to Kantara for Dinner. The Col. returned 9-30 p.m.All Details from El Maler came by train & camped at Hill 70 Rail to-night.A Meeting of Officers to-night decided on Reg. Mess with S. Reed in Charge.
Tuesday 3 October 1916Details & Q. Masters Stores arrived in Camp this morning, the men being allotted to Squadrons.Lieu. Walker & Serg. Dickson went to Pt. Said to Buy Canteen Goods for Officers & Men. Lieu. Hardy & Reed went to Kantara &. purchased Mess requirements. Col. Fuller & Gen. Ryrie went to Hill 40 & met the General commanding this section, after which they inspected Camp.All Squadron Leaders are preparing to leave for Cairo to attend Instruction Class commencing next Monday including Major Bruxner.
Wednesday 4 October 1916Reveille at 0545, drill 0630 to 0700, Stables till 0800, Parade at 0930 to 1100, Stables till 1200, Dinnertime till 1400, stables again at 1530.From to-day a Sylibus of Training for Regiment comes into force.Brig. Ryrie went to Cairo to-day.Col. Fuller inspecting Squadron Operations. During Afternoon both the Col. &. Lieu. Hardy rode over to ---- Post some ---- to inspect one of our Troops who are stationed there.I went to Kantara to get Tobacco etc. also had swim.Capt. Thompson gave a Lecture on Map Reading to-night.
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