Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 65

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[Page 65]

St Osyth
Orlando av
3rd Nov.

My dear Mother,
Next saturday afternoon I am going to have a partie, I am asking ten boys and girls we are going to have dum crambo.[a word game]  Headley came up from PamPbula, with his Father, Mr itexd Ted Hugerford, about his eies.  I went down to the spit for a swim yesterday.  It has been raining all the afternoon, but only very gentle rain.  Lorna has been sick to day & did not go church or sundy-school.  How much did you get for the wool. Is the cart wheel all right,  I must go to school so I can not send those words but I am sending some carnations by next post and will send them then

Pleas tell Hal & and Fred I got the wax.
Good bye,
Your loving son

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