Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 53

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[Page 53]

St Osyth.
Orlando Av

May 25 1906
? 1907 [Added later]

My dear Mother.
How are you all. What did you do on empire day, I had great fun. I went to school from 9.15 till 10.30 and Mr Scott-Fell came and preached to us, he said we ought to be proud of our empire as it is such a great one then he explained the flag to us. Then Mrs Denyer unfurled our school flag and we formed up in a doble sqar with the top side open and s[aluted?] the flag.

The I went to the shop and got a flag. Uncle Fre gave me sick pence for it. In the dfle  evening the Felarah folk brought over 1/3 worth of cl crackers and I had 9d worth, and Aunt B and the tow [indecipherable] and Miss Honber came up to sea it.   I got the shirt and it fits very nicely. I break up on june  20th and have about 3½ weakes   June 20th is Thirsday.

So shall I come up by thirsday night train or Fridays day.   I should wrather the night.  Have you had any rain lately.  I am going to Par[ramatta] in a drag to wach thee football mach against Kings School.

Good bye Mother much love to all and your self.
Your loving son|












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