Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 48

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[Page 48]

said this morning the wound had even healed since yesterday & he was getting on very well.  I do hope you got home alright last night & even so you must have been very much in the dark, poor little Taffy, it was a long journey for him when he was not well.  I hope you are enjoying a nice quiet rest at home.  I am quite comfortable at Miss Richards, everything is very plain but clean and comfortable and nice.  I am going to the post-office this evening on the chance of getting a card from you, as I am anxious to know how you got on last night.  Miss Richards said Mary was talking in her sleep and I was shouting.

Afternoon tea has arrived, so good-bye hoping you got home safely

from yours every loving
Katie [Loane?]

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