Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 29

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[Page 29]

St Osyth
Orlando Av
Tuesday [2th?] 1906

(?Oct) [added]

My dear Mother.
Are you better and are you cominging down  do try and come down. I am so          I did not rwrite last male, but I got up on Saterday but Aunt Katie would not let me out of my room  I was let goin to the dining room on Monday and today I am let go out se side.

I have got a big flower garden and a vegatable garden in the vegatable garden  I have got some mint some parsely and some wheat and corn. some time next week we are going to Watsons bay. My birthday is not far off now is it Mother. pleas write to me



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