Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 163

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[Page 163]

For Mother
Strictly Private and Confidential

Orlando Av,
Sat 25 Nov 1911

My dear Mother
​I was going to National Park to day but it rained this morning so we could not go. I wrote to Hal and Freddie last night as I thought I would not have time today. Dont you think that 22/- is rather much to spend on presents. Cant we get something else besides gloves for Father. I have bought two book and I am getting a thrid, they are very nice books and will do for Colin & the other two for Hal and Freddie. Freddie says to get Hal a few fine [bits?] or a knife is that right. There is nothing for Freddie. I was thinking of getting a fret saw for Hal & Freddie, I have one and it is very good tool only costs 1/9. Do you think an apron is a good thing for Sarah? And also I would like to give Bertha something what shall I get 

P.S. Frank is going home for 3 weeks at Christmas perhaps and if he does He might come back this way and then Robin could go straigh up to you and come back to Aunt Katie afterwards. I would be nice if he could come up in the Holidays several times. Mr Selfe (the master whom I like) has told me he is coming up home in the Christmas holidays, all the class want me to ask him so for the fun of it can I ask him to come up for a week after Christmas

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