Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 129

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Orlando Av,
November 9th 1909

My dear Mother
Last Saturday 3000 scouts were asked to go to Prince Albert Park. We saw lots of model ships and we saw Professor Holloway go up in his balloon. I have joined the sports union at school, 2/- for 1 year and we get out at 2:30 every Tuesday afternoon to go for a swim. Has the wool been sold yet. I have not seen anything in the paper about it. I am going for the camp on Tuesday, it is on the Hunter river. I don't know weather we shall be taken through the mines as the strike is on. The cake has not arrived yet. Aunt Katie said will you let her know as soon as you get the dress she hopes it is not stolen. We will soon have plenty of vegitables. We have beens, tomartos radishes, cress, lettice and a pumcin. Aunt Katie is getting two more lodes of earth. Is Jack Large still working at his contract. Please give my love to Father, Hal, Freddie and Cousin Lucy with much love to your self to your self

Your loving son
Rob Wilson

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