Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 126

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[Page 126]

Orlando Av,

My dear Hal and Fred
Last Saturday Aunt Katie took me to Julius Caesar and it was lovely. It was in the Town Hall and as there was a great crowd I got up beside a wall and stood on the back of a chair. Headly came down to Sydney on saturday so Aunt Katie took him also. Oscar Ashe took the part of Brutus and his acting was beautfiul, Mark Antony was also very good. The Saturday before last Mr Penley could not come out in the morning so I took charge of my section and the other Q M [Quarter Master?]  the other. We both went out to Sea-Forth and had some scouting games and in the afternoon Mr Penley came out with a photo man who took our photos but the camera got exposed and the photos were spoilt, we had tea in the bush and marched home about 7 o'clock. Please tell Mother that Aunt Katie supposes the mirror is broken as she has not heard anything about it ,she is sorry but it can not be helped. If Mother mixes blue with white wash it will keep off silver fish and fleas.

[Written by another hand]
The camp begins on 16th Nov and lasts a week. Rob and Geoff will not know until Friday whether or not they are among those accepted- only a certain number are accepted.

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