Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 116

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Orlando Av,
 August 11th 1909

My dear Mother
We are getting the house fixed up so nicely. My room is the back varanda  it is borded and has 6 windows in it and I have my chest of draw and looking glass, book shelf, camp stool also folding up bed, and I have some photographs on the wall, Altogether it looks lovely. I am geting on much better at Fort st now. I asked Mr Dyce could I get moved up in French and he said he thought I was too low for everything but I could not move up yet. We break up on 25th September and I thing we have about 1 weak. The Dingo Patrol is forming a troop we have got the Whipbirds to join us and we are forming an other patrol. We are going to apply to the Comittee of Control for a scout master. The Dingoes are going to be the Head patrol and I am going to be the Head patrol leader. Till we get a scout master I will be the boss of about 30 boys. Of course I must have a guard of honour when I come up the soldiers better come in motor cars as I will come over in mine. I am not cold in school. it is out of school we get every bit of wind as we are up by the observatry. When I sit down I rap the coat all round me. I have had a very bad head ack for the last .2½ days and yesterday and today I have been away from school. I took a dose of caster oil just now. How are the corridales & when will shearing start.
Please give my love to Father, Hal & Fred & much love to yourself.

I am your loving son

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