Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 114

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[Page 114]

Orlando Av,
25th July 1909

My dear Mother
I am geting on better at school now. There are fifty boys in the class and a good many of them are not very nice. Our master Mr Dyce was classing the good boys from the bad and he said that he was glad to see that I was one of the good boys. Could I ask the patrol for the Michaelmas holidays?? I dont suppose more than 5 boys could come. We could camp in the little paddock and if you would cook for us we could pay somthing  We would have about 7/- in the patrol and the boys could bring 2./- each and help to pay for the tuker they eat, besides helping about the place. I think we can get out from Mudgee alright. If we can go. The young ones can go out by coach and the older ones can march out to Coyal [Cooyal] and there the cart could pick us up. Do let me ask the Patrol up!!!. It would be such fun. Charlie has got a tent which he will lend it to the patrol. Will you let me know as soon as possible so as I can make arrangements. I have spoke to the boys about it and they all wanted me to write to you at wonce. Last Saturday went out to the back of Sea Forth and had a lovely day. We are geting settled down in Lyttleton now. It seems much

PS. How much did Father get for the x breds and will I be able to ride Kismet when I come up.

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