Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 113

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[Page 113]

[Rob now attended Fort Street High School]

St Osyth
Orlando Ave 
July 11th 1909

My dear Mother,
We had a very good journey down, there was no through carrage but there were only 3 people all the way down. I knew the  boy who was in with us, his name was Sutter and he used to come to the C.E.P.S. [His previous school] We got home about 8 o'clock. We took a cab from the warf . We got Mt Victoria aboud 4 o'clock and had a hot meat pie and coffee each. Can I join the Kadets at Fort St. It will not intefear with scouting Geof is going to be one. The uniform costs 15/- all combind.  R.S.V.P. please. Please give my love Hal Freddie and Father. I hope Fred is OK. I am just off to Sunday school, much love to your self.

Your loving son

PS. How are the new sheep I cant spell the name.

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