Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 75

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[Page 75]

[Robert's school report]  
Church of England Preparatory School

Terms 3rd       1907
REPORT for     WILSON    Form III

Subject No. Boys Position Remarks
    Combined Exam only  
English 35 24 21 Fair.  Improved position on last reports. Throughout he has tried and given satisfaction.  Spelling is still weak but has improved.
Geography 35 24 22 Fair.   ditto
History 35 17 16 Good   dito
1B Latin 24 8 6 V. Good
1A French 31 25 21 Fair.    Absence somewhat lowered his positions
Arithmetic 23 7 2 V. Good      ditto
Writing       Much neater and better style.  He spoils it by hurrying.
Drawing 35 20 18 Fair attempt made
Combined 35 19   Much improved

A.H. Yarnold M.A.    Headmaster
No. half-days absent  15
Next Term will begin  Feby 4th  1908 at 2 p.m.

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