Item 02: Letters sent by Robert Wilson to his family, 1905-1915 - Page 172

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[Page 172]

You have wronged for the Day, you have longed for the day,
That lit the awful flame,
'Tis nothing to you that hill and plain
Yield sheaves of dead men amid the grain;
The widows mourn for loved ones slain,
And mothers curse your name.

But for the Day there's a price to pay,
For the sleepers under the sod,
And He you have mocked for many a day-
Listen and hear what He has to say;
"Vengeance is mine, I will replay."
What can you say to God?

by Henry Chappell
Railway porter  Bath Eng.

[Chappell was known as the Bath railway poet.  This poem was first published in the Daily Express on 22 Aug. 1914]

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