Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 193
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Sunday 1 October 1916
The Brigade struck Camp & stacked all tents by 8 a.m.
I left at 9 a.m. with Officers luggage for Hill 70. Arrived at 11 a.m. Lieu. Britton represented Brigade & secured Camels to get our Kits over to Camp. Dick Phillips & I went into Kantara for a swim returning to Camp 9 p.m.
At Romani to-day at 2 p.m. Gen. Chavel decorated certain men of our Brigade who won distinction at the recent Scrap; afterwards meeting Reg. Commanders & Officers of Squadrons.
C.O. of Regts. were warned against lightly dealing with men at Court Martials.
Monday 2 October 1916
The Brigade left Romani at 8 a.m. under General Ryrie for 70 Hill arriving at 2 p.m.
The 1st L.H. Brigade under Gen. Cox left Hill 70 at 11 a.m. for Kantara where they camp near Transport Depot. Gen. Cox called on Col. Fuller & took Him to Kantara for Dinner. The Col. returned 9-30 p.m.
All Details from El Maler came by train & camped at Hill 70 Rail to-night.
A Meeting of Officers to-night decided on Reg. Mess with S. Reed in Charge.
Tuesday 3 October 1916
Details & Q. Masters Stores arrived in Camp this morning, the men being allotted to Squadrons.
Lieu. Walker & Serg. Dickson went to Pt. Said to Buy Canteen Goods for Officers & Men. Lieu. Hardy & Reed went to Kantara &. purchased Mess requirements. Col. Fuller & Gen. Ryrie went to Hill 40 & met the General commanding this section, after which they inspected Camp.
All Squadron Leaders are preparing to leave for Cairo to attend Instruction Class commencing next Monday including Major Bruxner.
Wednesday 4 October 1916
Reveille at 0545, drill 0630 to 0700, Stables till 0800, Parade at 0930 to 1100, Stables till 1200, Dinnertime till 1400, stables again at 1530.
From to-day a Sylibus of Training for Regiment comes into force.
Brig. Ryrie went to Cairo to-day.
Col. Fuller inspecting Squadron Operations. During Afternoon both the Col. &. Lieu. Hardy rode over to ---- Post some ---- to inspect one of our Troops who are stationed there.
I went to Kantara to get Tobacco etc. also had swim.
Capt. Thompson gave a Lecture on Map Reading to-night.