Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 181
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Sunday 10 September 1916
Col. Fuller out Driving with the Manager of Met. &. Coy, Cigarette Manufacturer, Cairo. Col. went to Shooting Club in afternoon.
I went out to see Serg. Hartley at No. 3 Gen. Hosp.
Spent Evening at Soldiers Home.
Lieu. Menzies in Cairo on Sick List.
Monday 11 September 1916
Out with Colonel buying up Groceries & Refreshments to take to Camp tomorrow.
Sent Officers Requisites by goods Train to-night, 12 Cases.
The cost of Beer by Case of 48 is 220 Pt. (Amstel).
Perfection Whisky is also 220 Pt. for 12 Bottles.
Col. Fuller & I went to McDonald & Co. & paid the Account owing to the extent of nearly £40.
Tuesday 12 September 1916
Received Cases from Station. Left by 11 oclock train for Kantara with Col. Fuller, arrived at 3 p.m. Goods not arrived so we stayed at West Kantara Transport Depot until morning.
Before leaving Cairo I left at Russell Soldiers Home 2 parcels of Trophies.
Wednesday 13 September 1916
Left Kantara 7-30- a.m. arrived Romani 10 a.m. Limber Waggon to meet us & took Goods to El Maler where they are stored. We left at 3 p.m. for New Camp named Hod-Hasanin about 6 miles from present rail Head. Arrived in Camp 8 p.m. The Colonel was cheered on arrival & everything was found alright. Lieu. Britton is at Brigade as Brigade Capt., Capt. Stracker being sick.