Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 225
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Sunday 26 November 1916
I left Hill 70 by 9-15 a.m. Train for Kirbur where Stores are dumped for 2nd L.H. Brigade.
Lieu. Bach arrived on His way to Kantara & I rode out to where the 6th Regt. is camped at Bayud.
General Ryrie & Brigade Majorover from Hasinya where their HQ
are to see Col Fuller at Bayud.
Monday 27 November 1916
Col. Fuller, Major Cross left for Mageibra this morning & will meet the Brig. there. C. Squadron under Major Ferguson is on outpost at that place. Bob Dickson returned from Hasinya after spending the night on Desert (lost).
Lieu. Lomax returned to Camp with Officers Mess stuff tonight.
Tuesday 28 November 1916
Col. Fuller & S.M. Hanlon around outskirts of Camp.
Officers of Camel partrol visiting the Col. this morning.
Bob Dickson with Shannon are to stay at H.Q. (Brigade) Hasinya to watch the loading & controling of Camel Convoys.
Load of Parcels arrived this Evening, one from Mrs. Robson.
Lieu. Bach returned from Kantara.
Wednesday 29 November 1916
Col. Onslow, Wils Allen Snow over to see Col. Fuller & stayed for Lunch.
Observer reports man 3 miles distance from Camp. Later this object proved to be a Huge Bird that frequents this part of the Desert.