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& during all that time not a breath was heard to break the steady silence which reignd among them nor during the singing in which they all joind was any voice heard louder than the rest.
at 8 this service by which I confess I was much edified ended & we set out on our return at nine we arrivd & supping with Mr Loten took our Leave as we intended to set out for Rotterdam Early the next morning
at 7 we set out having securd the roof of the boat & in testimony of the gentility of our conveyance had the satisfaction of seeing a coach arrive & set down its company into the Common part of the boat. the first part of the Country over which we passd might literaly be said to be above water as we passd through 2 or 3 locks the last of which however I observd to have doors both ways so as occasionaly to keep up the water on either side which ever happens to be highest.
at half past ten we arrived at Woorden a regular fortification we were pushd by poles