
Remarkable Occurrences in Batavia Road
as may enable him to proceed on his passage home to England
Date onboard His Brittanick Majesty's Bark
Endeavour in Batavia Road the 11th of October 1770
James Cook
In the morning I went on shore myself & had the foregoing request translated into Dutch by a Scotch Gentleman a Merchant here
Octobr 1770 Friday 12th At 5 o'clock pm I was interduced to the Governor General who received me very politely & told me that I should have every thing I wanted & that in the morning my request should be laid before the Council where I was desired to attend.
About 9 o'clock in the evening we had much rain with some very heavy claps of thunder one of which carried away a Dutch Indiamans Main Mast by the Deck & split it, the main topmast & Top gallant mast all to [fluivers?] she had had a iron spindle at the main top gallant masthead which had first attracted the Lightning the ship lay about 2 cables lengths from us & we were struck with the thunder at the same time & in all probability we should have shared the same fate as the Dutch man had it not been for the electrical chain which we had but just before got up this carried the lightning or electrical matter over the side clear of the ship. the shock was so great as to shake the whole ship very sencibly this instance alone is sufficient to recommend these chains to all ships whatever & that of the Dutchman ought to caution people from having iron spindles at their masthead.
In the morning I went on shore to the Council Chamber & laid my request before the Governor & Council who gave me for answer that I should have every thing I wanted.
Saturday 13th. Received onboard a cask of Arrack & some Greens for the Ships Company.
Sunday 14th. Early this morning a ship sail'd from hence for Holland by which I had just time to write 2 or 3 lines to Mr Stephens Secretary of the Admiralty to acquaint him of our arrival, after I went onshore & waited upon the Shabander who has the direction of the town port & I to get an order to the Superintendant at Onrust to receive us at that island but this I was told would not be ready. before

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