
New Wales or East Coast of New Holland
July 1770
[margin] Endeavour River[/margin]
Saturday 7th Fresh breezes at SE & fair wea.r, employ'd getting on board Coals, Ballast etc & caulking the ship a work that could not be done while she lay aground, the Arm.& his Mate are still empl'd at the [forge?]  making & repairing sundry articles in the iron way
Sunday 8th. Gentle breeze at SE & clear wea.r Early I sent the Master in a Boat out to sea to sound again about the shoals because the acco.t he had given of the channell before mentioned was to me by no means satisfactory, likewise sent some hands to haul the jean who caught near 80 to. of fish. the rest of the people I gave leave to go into the country
Monday 9th. in the day D.o. winds but in the night calm pm Mr Gore & Mr Banks return'd having met with nothing remarkable they were ab.t 3 or 4 leag.s up in the country without finding hardly any variation either in the soil or produce. In the evening the Master return'd having been several Leag.s out at sea & at that distance off saw shoals without him & was of opinion there was no getting out to sea that way, in his return he touched upon one of the shoals the same as he was upon the first time he was out. he here saw a great number of turtle, 3 of which he caught weighing 79lb & this occasion'd my sending him out again this morning provided with proper gear for striking them he having before nothing but a boat hook - Carpenter, Smith & Cooper at their respective emplotm.t & the seamen empl.d getting onb.d stores ballast etc. This day all hands feasted upon Turtle for the first time
Tuesday 10th. Winds & wea.r as yesterday emply'd hoisting onb.d & having away the ground tier of water. pm saw 7 or 8 other natives on the So. side of the river 2 of them came down upon the sandy point opposite the ship but as soon as I put off in a boat in order to speak with them they run away as fast as they could.At 11 Mr Banks, who had gone out to sea with Mr Molineux the Master, return'd in his own small boat & gave but a very bad acc.t of out turtle catchers, at the time he left them which was ab.t 6 o'clock, they has not got one nor were they likely to get any & yet the Master was so obstinate that he would not return which obliged me to send Mr Gore out in the yaw this morning to order the boat & people in, in case they could not be emply'd there to some advantage. In the am 4 of the natives came down to the sandy point on the northside of the harbour having along with them a small wooden canoe with outriggers in which they seem'd to be employ'd striking fish etc & some were going over in a boat to them, but this I would not suffer but let them alone without seeming to take any notice of them at length 2 of them came in the canoe so near the ship as to take some things we throw'd them, after this

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