
Remarkable Ve°   at Sea

1769 July 

AM. I set about surveying the Island & D. Monk house with some hands went as house to Jade with the Natives while the longboat was employ'd compleating our water.
Tuesday. 18th Gentle breeze at S°WSW2. clear wea.2. the trading party had no surveys today the Natives pretend they have not had [UNCERTAIN: could be 'tiny'] collect their provisions from the Different parts of the island but that on the morrow we should have some, [UNDECIPHERABLE: most likely a name] had not seen so much of the island an I denied involved to stay one day longer to see if anything was to be got.
Wednesday. 19th AM Variable light airs V clear wea2. the trading party had better surveys today than yesterday, AM a gentle breeze at [UNDECIPHERABLE: possible nautical terminology] who known to the Natives that we intended to sail today, Once the Chief & several more came on board to take their leave of us to the Chief was given a small plate on which was stamp'd the following institution /via/ His Britain nick May. [UNCERTAIN SYMBOL] Ships Endeavour Lieutenant Cook Commander 16 July 1769 Huaheine. This was accompanied with some medals or counters of the English Corn stuck 1761 together with some other presents, all these more particularly the plate the Chief promised never to part with, this we thought would prove as taking testimony of our having joint discovered this island many we could leave behind, after this was done they were lionised & we began to prepare to leave the place but as that falls out on the following day I shall conclude this with a Description of the island which is situated in the latitude of 16:4332. V Longde. 15°0:52W2 from Greenwich V North 5°8W2 List. L31 Leagues from King George island or Otaheite, It is about 7 in Corn [UNCERTAIN WORD] & of a Hilly & uncovers surface it hath a sage & 102, side under the Nothern most high land & within the North end of the Reef which lays along that side of the island; into this Harbows are 2 inlets or openings in the reef about 1/2 mile from each other, the Southern out is the broadest on the S° side of which is a very small sandy island this Harbows is called by the Natives Ohashe -------- The produce of this island is in all respects as King Goerges island & the manners [UNKNOWN WORD] of the inhabitants much the same only that they are not addicted to stealing & with respect to colours they are rather fairer than the natives of Georges island & the whole more Uniformity of one Colours 
Thursday 20th. Mod. breeze at [NAUTICAL TERMINOLOGY] fair wea, at [NAUTICAL TERMINOLOGY]

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Ready for review