James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770 - Page 338
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From New Guinea to Batavia
Sept. 1770
Smoakes ashore in the PM & fires in the night, both upon the low land & up in the Mountains.
Saturday 15th. In the PM had the Sea breezes at SSW. & S. with which we stood to the Westwd. until 8 o'clock when being about 3 Leags. from the Land & had very little wind we tack'd & lay her Head off Shore, at 11 o'clock we got the Land wind at NbW. with which we steer'd SWbW, along shore keeping about 4 or 5 Miles from the Land on which in the morning we saw several Houses. Plantations & at 9 o'clock we got the wind at NEbE. a light breeze, at Noon we were about 2 Leags. from the Land which extended as far to the Southward an WbW, our Latde. by observation was 10º:1'S. Course & Distance sail'd since yesterday at Noon S178º:45'SW. 26 Miles.~
Sunday 16th. Light breezes from the NE.bE with clear wear. except in the morning when we had it cloudy with a few small showers of Rain, Steer'd alongshore SW. & SWbW until 6 o'clock in the morning when we steer'd WSW, & at 9. W. at which time we saw the Island Rotte right ahead. At Noon we were in the Lat.de of 10º:39'S. Long.de. 235º:57. The S. end of Timor bore NNW. dist. 5 or 6 Leags. The Island of Rotte extending from S 75ºW to N.67ºW. & the Island of Anaboa as Dampier calls it or Seman as it is called in the Charts which lies of the S. end of Timor, bore NW. Course & Distance sail'd since yesterday noon S. 55º:15' W. 67 Miles~ Dampier who has given us a large & so far as I know an Accurate description of the Island of Timor, says that it is 70 Leag. long & 6 Broad & that it lies nearly NE&SW. I found the East side to lie nearest NEbE. & SWbW. & the S. end fo lie in the Lat.10º:23S. Longde. 236:5W from Greenwich, We run about 45 Leag. along the E.side which I observed to be free from Danger & excepting near the S. end, the Land which bounds the Sea is low for 2',3 or 4 Miles inland & seem'd in many places to be intersected with Salt Creeks, behind the low land are Mountains which rise one above another to a considerable height. We continuously saw upon it many places houses & plantations~ I was strongly importuned by some of my Officers to go to the Dutch settlement at Concordia on this Island for refreshments but this I refused to comply with, knowing that the Dutch look upon all Europeans with a Jealous Eye that come among these Islands & our necefsities were not so great to oblige me to put into a place where I might expect to be but indifferently treated.
[Margin note} Rotta & Anaboa
Monday 17th. Winds Easterly with which we steer'd WNW, until 2 o'clock when being pretty near the N. End of Rotte we haul'd up NNW. in order to go between it & Anaboa after steering 3 Leag. upon this Course we edged away NW & W & by 6 we were clear of it all the Islands, at this time the S. part of Anaboa which lies in the Lat.de of 10º:15' S. bore NE., dist. 4 Leags. & the Island of Rotte extendg. as far to the Southward as S. 36º W. The N. End of this Island & the S. end of Timor lies