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33 Remarkable Occurrences &tc from Madeira towards Rio De Janeiro
A Fresh Breeze & Clear wear. the most pt. of these 24 Hours, I take this to be the NEn. Trade we have now got into, at 6PM the NE end of the Island of Teneriffe W b N dise. 3 or 4 Lg's[leagues] off this NE point lies some Rocks high above water the highest is near the Point. & very remarkable, by our run from Yesterday at Noon. this end of the Island must lie in the Latde. of 28º.27' & Sº 7.45 Et.dist 83 Lg's[leagues] from Fanchal & Sº18w. 98 Miles from the Salvages.
At 1 AM the Peak of Teneriffe bore WNW. found the Variation to be this Morning 16º14' W. the Peak of Teneriffe / from which I now take my Departure / is a very high Mountain upon the Island of the same Name one of the Canary Islands its Perpendicular height from Actual Measurement is said to be 15396 feet it lies in the Latitde. of 28.13Nº. & Longde. 16.32 Wº. from Greenwich its situation in this Respect is allow'd to be pretty well determin'd.
A steady Trade Wind & Clear Weaer the Variatn. by the Amplitde.[amplitude] this Evening was 14º58' West.
Fresh breezes & somewhat Hazey. Variat.. by this Evening Amplitude 15º. 1' West
Ditto wea.r served Wine to the Ships Comp.y. the Beer being all Expended but 2 Casks which I intend to keep sometime longer as the whole has proved very good to the last Cask. at Noon found the Ship by Obsn.[observation] 10 Miles a Head of the Log. which I suppose may be owing to a Current setting in the same directions of the Trade Wind
A fresh Trade wind & Hazey weaer. the Variaton. of the Compass by the mean of Several Azmth. taking this Evening 12.46 & in the Morning by the same Method 12º.43'W. this days Log & Observ'd agree which is not reconcilable to yesterday. Exercised the People at Small Arms
Fresh breezes & Hasey weaer. the Variaton.12.33W. the Observed Latde.ahead of that given by the Log 10 Miles
A Steady breeze & pleasant weaer at 6AM saw the Island of Bonavista/ one of the Cape de Verd Islands / Extending from S b E to SW b S. diste. 3 or 4 Lg's ranged the East side of this Island at the Distance of 3 or 4 Miles from the Shore until we were obliged to Haul off to avoid a Ledge of Rocks which Stretched out SWbW from the Body or SEn.Point of the Island 1½ Leage. had no ground with 40 faam.a Mile without this Ledge.The Island Of Bonavista is in Extent from Nº. to Sº. about 5 Leag.ue is of a very uneven & hilly surface with low sandy beaches on the En.side the SE prt. of the Island from which I take my Departure/ by an Observon. this day at Noon lies in the Latde. of 16º Nº & according to our sun from Madeira in the Longde. of 21º51'W. from Greenwich & Sº.21W. 260 Lg's from Teneriffe / Drawing Nº. 1&2 represents the appearance of the Et. side of this Island whose/ a / is the SE point on the hill over it which is high of a round Figure & the Southernmost on the Island -
A steady gale & some what Hazey-Variaton. by very good Azm.ths. this Evening 10º.37' & by the same in the Morning 10º.0'W. at Noon found the ship aHead of the Log 5 Miles-
Firstp.t. a steady breeze & pleasant weaer. remainder light breezes & Cloudy at Noon found the Ship by Obson. ahead of the Log 7 Ms
Cloudy weaer. with light winds & Calm. Variaton. by this Evening Amplde. S.49 W.n. AM hoisted out a Boat to try if these was any Current found one Setting to the SEt. at the rate of ¾ of a Mile Per hour
Calm for the Greater part of this 24 Hours.By an Observon. we had this Morning of the Sun & Moon found our Selves in the Longde. of 22º.32'30"W. from Greenwich that by .... is 21º.58' the Differance being 34 Miles Westerly, which does not agree with the Setting of the Current for having try'd it twice to day & as found it set to the ESE 1 Mile per Hour & at the some time found the ship to the Southward of the Log by the Noon Observon. 10 Miles- Served Portable Soup & Sour Kraut