
From New Guinea to Batavia
the Latde. of 8º:15'S. Longde. 228º:10W whereas in the Charts the S. point is laid down in Latde. 9º:30', it is probable that the Land we saw might be some other Island, but then I cannot see how we could have mifs'd seeing Timor Land. suposing it to be right laid down in Latde. as we were never to the Southward of 9º:30' for my design was to have made that Island, & to have landed upon it to have seen what it produced as it is/ according to the Charts/ a large Island & settled by the Dutch that I ever heard of. We were now in the Latitude of 9º:37' W. [S?] Longde. 233º: 54' W. by observation of the Sun & Moon, & yesterday we were by Observation in 233º:27' W. the diff. is 27' which is exactly the same as what the Log gave, this however is a degree of accuracy in observation that is seldom to be expected.
Wednesday 12th. Winds between the S. & W. a light breeze & Clear wear. In the PM stood in shore until 8 o'clock then Tack'd & stood off, being about 6 Leags. from the Land, which at dark extend from SW.½ w. to NE. at this time we sounded & had no ground with 140 fa. of line being not above 4 Leags. from the Land. At 12 o'clock we Tack'd & stood in having but little wind & continued so until' noon, at which time we were by Observ. in Latd. 9 º:36' S. the Log this 24 Hours gave 18 Miles Westing, but it did not appear by the land that we had made so much. We saw several Smoakes upon the Land by day & fires in the Night.
Thursday 13th. Stood in shore with a light breeze ab. 6 w. until ½ past 5 o'clock in the PM, when being a Mile & a ½ from the Shore & in 16 fam. we tack'd & stood off, at this time the Extreams of the Land extended from NEbE. to WbS½S. this last was a low point distant from us about 3 Leags. we were right before a small Creek or Inlet into the low land which lies in the Latde. of 9º:34'S. Probably it might be the same as Dampier went into in his Boat for it did not seem to have depth of Water sufficient for any thing else. in standing in shore we sounded several times but found no soundg. until we got within 2½ Miles of the shore where we had 25 fam. soft bottom. We stood off Shore until 12 o'clock with the wind at S. then Tack'd & stood to the Westward 2 Hours, when the wind veer'd to the SW. & WSW. & then we stood to the Southwd. In the Morning found the Variation to be 1º:10' W by the Amplitude & by the Azimuth 1º:27'.W. at Noon we were by Observn. in the of 9º:45'S. 234º:12' W. & about 6 or 7 Leags. from the Land which extended from No. 31º. E. to WSW ½ W. winds at SSW. a Gentle breeze.
Friday 14th. Light Land & Sea breezes. the former we had from WbN. & only a few hours in the morning, the latter we had from the SSW. & S. with these winds we advanced but slowly to the Westward, at Noon we were about 6 or 7 Leags. from the Land which extended from NbE. to S78ºW. our by Observ. was 9º:54'S. Course & Distance sail'd since yesterday noon S. 68ºW. 24 Miles. We saw several Smoakes.

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