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Remarkable Occurrences & I. [incidents] at Terra Del  Fuego. Continued Janry. 1769   

the Middle little wind & rain AM found the Variation by several Azmths [azimuths] to be 25º.'4Et [east] unbent the Cables & Stow'd the Anchors, at Noon Latde. [latitude] observed 56º.7' & Longde. made from the Cape of good Success 42' East   
MONDAY 23d  Winds variable from SE round by the SW to NW first part a fresh breeze & Squally, the remainder moderate breezes & sometimes Calm & clear  which is more than we have had for several days past at 4 AM  saw the Land in the SW. Quarter & small Island bearing West. from this Time until 9 it was Calm, at which time the Ship drove very fast. to the NEb[by]N. at 9 Sprung up a light breeze at Nº fur'd  all the Reefs out & set the Steering sails, the Cape of good Success bore NE b N. Saten land seen from the  Deck bearing NEt.    the Sugar Loaf on Terra Del Fuego NNE, & is the same Hill as is seen from the NE sides of the Land it appears to stand but a little way in Land from the Shore, & the Mainland & Island on the Coast extending from the Cape of good Success to the SbWt.  the Country Mountainous of an indifferent height, the Tops were covered with Snow which had lately fall as it did not lay long, there appeared to be several Bays & inlets & Islands laying along the Coast, the 3d   View in the Chart exhibits the appearance of this Coast, where g is new Island c the Sugar Loaf & h the Cape of good Success. At Noon the West End of New Island bore NW b W 5 Leages.[leagues] Latitude observed 55.25 Sº. this Island I named New Island because it is not laid down in any Chart 

TUESDAY 24th.  The fore & Middleparts of these 24 Hours Modte.Gales & Cloudy with some Showers of Rain, the Latter a fresh Gales with Flying Showers at 7 PM New Island bore NW b N. & a small Island laying to the Westward of it bore W b N. Variation of Several Azmth.[azimuth]21 º. 0 Et.  which is much less than we have yet found it upon this Coast & yet I am satisfied with the Goodness of the Observations at ½ Past 1 AM. the Wind Shifted from SSW to ESE. Tackt & stood SWt, at 6 Saw the Land to the Westwd. making like several Islands. at 8. two Small Islands laying off a low Point of Land bore W.bS distce, 3 Leagues, & the small Island we saw last night bore NNW. This I take to be the Island of Evouts, it is about one League in Circuit. & of a Moderate height & lies 4 Lg.s from the Main near the South Point of it see some Peaked rocks pretty high above Water, the wind coming to the Southward we did but just  this Island in Passing it sounded & had 40 fathom Water sand & broken Shells. at Noon it bore NEt dist one League & the low point of land before mentioned Sº.17Wt. distant 4 or 5 Leagues Tackt & stood to the SEt, Wind at SSW. from this low Point the land Tends to the NWt about 4 Leagues where it ends in a low Point round which to the Westward appears to be a Deep Bay, unless this land should prove to be an Island or Islands. which is most likely it rises into high Craggy hills & the Shore seems to form several Bays. if so they must afford good Shelter for Shipping against Southerly & Westerly winds-
WEDNESDAY 25th Winds from the Sº to the WNW. the first part fresh Gales & Squally with some Rain Middle little wind with Hail & Rain. latter Fresh Gales & Hasey with Showers of Rain, at 8 PM the Island of Evouts NW dist 3 or 4 Miles-Variation of the Morning Amplitude 21.16 Et  at 8 AM the Souther most low Point of land seen Yesterday Bore Sº 74'Wt. & a remarkable Peaked Hill to the Southward of it SW. & soon after we discovered that the land which we took Yesterday to be a 

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