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Remarkable Occurrances & I. [Incidents] in the South Sea's-
Tropic Birds, are pretty well known but the Egg Bird /as it is called in the Dolphins Journals/ require some description to know it by that Name, it is a small slender Bird of the Gull kind & all white & not much unlike the small white Gulls we have in England.only not so big, there are also Birds in Newfoundland called Stearings that are of the same shape & Bigness only they are of a Greyish Colour. these Birds were called by the Dolphins Egg Birds. on account of their being like those known by that name by Sailors in the Gulph of Florida neither they nor the Man of War Birds are never reckoned to go very far from Land-

Fresh Gales & Cloudy with some rain in the Forept. of this day. all the Forept. of these 24 Hours the Sea was smooth but at 12 at night. it was more so. & about 3 in the Morning one of the People saw or thought he saw a Log of Wood pass the Ship, this made us think we are near some land. but at day light we saw not the least appearance of any & did  not think myself at liberty to spend time in searching for what of what I was not sure to find altho' I thought myself at the thinkmyself not far from those Islands discover'd by Quir.. in 1606. & very probable we w ere ere not far from the Birds & I[incicdents] we have seen for these 2or 3 days past 

Firstpart dark cloudy wint rain & a fresh breeze of Wind. remainder fair & Cloudy-

Squally with rain at 5 PM saw some sea Weed pass the Ship & at 7 Wm Greenslade Marine either by Accident or design went overboard & was Drown'd, the following circumstances makes at appear as tho' it was done design'dly. he had been Centinel at the Storage door between 12 & 4 o'clock where he had taken part of a Seal Skin put under his charge & which was found upon him, the other Marines thought themselves hurt by one of their party commiting  a crime of this nature & he being a raw young fellow & it's very probable made him ...replace ...commitg this rash Action for the Serj.t  not being willing  that it should pass over unknown to me. was about 7 o'clock going to bring him Aft to have it inquir'd into. when he gave him the Slip between Decks & was seen go upon the Forecastle & from that time was seen no more I was neither made acquainted with the Theft or the Circumstances attending it until, the Man was gone-
Variable winds & with frequent showers of rain, at Noon saw a Bird like a Gannett

Little wind & Cloudy Variat.on of 3º.56' East-

Little winds & Cloudy Var.on P Azmth. 2º.27' Et saw a Bird like a Dove & several fish about the Ship, Employ'd ....ning the Best Ba Cable, repairing & Painting the Boats-
Firstpt. Calm & clear Cloudy on the night had Variable winds & with rain, AM Genteel Breezes & Cloudy between 10&11 AM took several Oberv.ons of the sun & moon the mean result of them gave the of the Ship at Noon to be 127º.38' & is 1º.49 Et, of the given by the Log but on the 14th. Instant the ship by Observ.on was 47'Wt of the Log. therefore she must have lost 2º.36' ot the Log since the last Observation an Error too great to be accounted for-

A Steady breeze & fine Pleasant took several Observ.ns of the sun & moon the mean result of them came within 8 Miles of Yesterdays Observ.on computed both by Mr Green & myself & Yet

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