James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770 - Page 65

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   page 65 
Remarkable Occurrances & I.[Incidents] in the South Seas.
Firstpart moderate breezes & thick Hazey wea.er the Middle fair & Cloudy, & the Latter fresh Gales with some rain at 8 AM took two Setts of Observations of the sun & moon the first gave 68º.15 the 2.d 68º.9 the Mean of the 2 is 68.12 Wt. the Longitude of the Ship at Noon by these Observations is 68º.42-14 the Long.de  made from Cape Horn is 68º.28'. The Longde. of Cape Horn according to the Observations-A Great many large Albetrosses about the Ship.
[Margin] The Long.de of Cape Horn Settled[/margin]
Fresh Gales the most part of this day. first & Middle parts cloudy. latter clear with a Sharp cold Air, at 2PM Saw the land bearing North dist.ce  about 8 Leagues it made in 2 Hummocks & appeared to be an Island, which I take to be the Isle of Diego Ramirez it lays in the Lat.de of 56º.38'Sº. & Longde. 68º.47'Wt. from Greenwich found the Variation this Evening to be 22ºEt. AM-
-/ left side note The Longde. of Cape Horn Settled /- end left side note  -  had 3 Sets of Observns. of the sun 7 moon which gave the Longde. 69º.7'.15"W. the Longde. of the Ship at Noon by this Observ.on. is 69º.24'-1º.48' the Long.de of the Cape which is 52º. less than the result of Yesterdays Observ.ns this differance may arise partly from the Observ.n  & part from the Ships run, the mean of the 2 gives 68º.2' x 68º.24' the Longde. of the Cape from the Observation taken at Strait Le  Maire 136.26. 2 68º.13' Wt. from Greenwich the Long.de of Cape Horn being deduced from no less than 2 24 Observ.on  taken at no very great distance fro the Cape & on both sides of it, & when the Sun was both to the Et. & West of the Moon for in this case the Errors arising from the Observ.on  are most likely to Correct one another-
First & Latter parts fresh Gales & Squally with flying Showers of rain & Hail. the Middle strong Gales with heavy squalls & Showers of rain at 8 PM hoist'd   2 Reef Tops,ls  at 6AM Close reefd the Foretops.l & took in the Misen Tops.l at 10 Set it again & let the reef out of the Foretopsl. 
Forepart fresh Gales & Squally with Hail & rain, remainder mod.te & Cloudy at 6AM Loosed the 2d Reef out of the Topsails & set Topgallt Sails, at 11 Long.de in Pa 3 Sets of Observ.ns of the sun & moon ..1 Set 73º.38'.15". Second 73º.19'.30". the mean of the whole is 73.27.50Wt & 35' less than the Longitude by Dead reckoning which is only 6 Leag.in this Lat.de & therefore not worth taking notice of Lat.de of Observation 60:4 Sº- 
Firstpt. mod.te & Cloudy with some rain in the night little wind & Calm towards Noon fresh Gales & Cloudy between 7 & 8 PM being then in the Lad.de of 60º.10' which was the Farther'st Sº. we were in The Long.de of 74º.30' found the  Variaton of the Compass by the mean of 13  Azmth[Azimuth] to be 27º.9' Et. at 3 AM Wind at ESE a Mod.te breeze Set the Steerings & soon after 2 Birds like Penguins were seen by the Mate of the Watch-
Firstp.t  fresh G.s latter light Airs & Cloudy PM found the Var.on by sevl. Azmth.[Azimuth] to be 24.53Et. at Noon sounded but had no ground with 240 faom of time hoisted a Boat out to try if there was any Currt. but found some The wear. such as to admit  Mr Banks to row round The Ship in a Lighter man... off Shore ....birds-

Firstp.t light breezes & Cloudy remainer sometimes a fresh breeze & at other times little wind & hazey rainy Cold weather. PM took in the Steerings. l & a reef in each Topsail-
Calm & Light Airs & for the most part Cloudy & sometimes drisling rain Variation

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