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Page 55 Remarkable Occurrences from Rio de Janeiro. Towards Terra del Fuego
First.t fresh Gales & Clear Middle light Airs, remainder fresh G.s. & a little hazey PM found the Variation to be 20.4E.t Soundings 75 & 73 a great Number of Water foul about the Ship- Fresh G.s. the Air very Sharp & Cold, frequent showers of rain & Squalls Sound g. 75 saw some Penguins, gave to each of the People a Fearnought Jacket & a Pair of Trousers after which I never heard one Man Complain of Cold, not but that the Weather was cold Enough- Firstpart Strong G.s with excessive hard Squalls with rain, at 9 PM wore & bro.t too her head to the Westward under the Mainsail & Reef'd the Foresail for the first Time the Storm continued with little intermission until a little toward Noon when it abated, so as we could set the close Reefed Saw many Penguins & some Seals- Wind & both Variable but for the most part little wind PM loosed the Reef out of the Foresail & 2 Reefs out of Each Topsail AM got Topgall.t. yards aCross & loosed all the Reefs out, Soundings from 80 to 75 First & Latter parts a Mod.t. breeze & Clear Middle squally with rain PM found the Variation by several to be 22º.24'E.t. saw a great Number of Penguins & Seals-
Mod.te. breezes & fine clear at 2 PM Sounded 86 black sand & Small stones Var.n. 21.57E.t. at ½ past 10 Tack.d. having Stood 5º.12 Leagues, after standing to the Westw.d. 14 Miles sounded & had 80 black grey 3 Leagues farther 76 Course black sand sand Tack'd & at noon had 70 black gravel & Small Stones of diff.t. Colours, saw several flights of black Sheerwaters- [margin] Arrival on the Coast of Terra del Fuego[/margin] A Steady Genteel breeze & clear after standing 13 Leag.s. SSW. Sounded 64 Gravel & small Stones. Stand.g SWbS 11 Lg's farther had 46 the same sort of bottom at 8 AM saw the Land of Terra del Fuego extending from the West to SEbSº Distance off shore between 3 & 4 Leagues sounded & had 35 small soft Slate Stones, Var.on. 23º. 30'E.t. in ranging along shore to the SE at the Dist.ce. of 2 or 3 Leag.e. had 27 & 26 Muddy Bottom saw some of the Natives who made a Smook in sev.l. places which must have been done as a Signal to us as they did not continue it after we Passed by our we ought not to have been so far to the Westw.d. as Staten Land as it is laid down in the Charts but it appeared from Subsequent Observ.on. that the Ship had got near a degree of to the Westward of the Log which is 35 Miles in these Latitudes, Probably this in part may be owing to a Small Current setting to the Westw.d. occasioned by the Westerly Current which comes round Cape Horn & through Strait La Mair & the in Draft of the Striaghts Magellan. Firstpt. mod.te. breezes & Cloudy remainder sometimes a fresh breeze sometimes Calm Hazey with rain, at 5 the Wind coming to the Northw.d. obliged us to Tack & Stood NW.t.ward being then about 5 Miles from the Shore & had 23 sandy Bottom, at Midnight Tackd & Stood to the Eastw.d, at Noon the Land over the Entrance of Straits La Maire ENE dist.ce. 7 Lg's Soundgs from 28 to 38 The greatest part of this day little wind & Cloudy at 8PM Cape S.n Diego at the W. Entrance of Straits Le Maire E.t. dist.a. ab.t. 5 Lg's kept under an Easy Sail until day light at which time we were abreast of Cape S.n Diego, & then put into the Straits, but the Tide soon turned against us & obliged us to haul under the Cape again & wait until 9 AM when it shifted in our favour, put into the Straits again with a Mod.te. breeze at SW.t. which soon grew Boisterous with very heavy Squalls with rain & hail & obliged us to Close reef our Topsails-
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