James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770 - Page 47

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[note left margin] -to sail into Rio de Janeiro- 
the Fort of Santa Cruze which stands on the Point that forms the East Entrance of the Bay or River on the West Entrance is Fort Lorio built upon a Rock which lies close to the Main Land the Distance from one Fort to the other is ¾ of a Mile East & West but the Channell[sic] for Shipping is not quite so broad by reason of Sunken Rocks laying off each of the Forts, these rocks may not be properly placed in the plan being only laid down from the information of the Pilot. the Narrowness of the Channell here causeth the Tides both Flood & Ebb to run Pretty strong in so much that you cannot Stem it as without a fresh breeze of Wind, nor  is it safe Anchoring because the Bottom is Foul & Rocky, by keeping in the Middle of the Channell you will not only avoid being forced to come to an Anchor but all other Dangers. being got within the Entrance Your Course up the Bay is first NbW½W.t & NNW.t something more than one League this brings you the length of the great Road & NW & NW & WNW one Leag.e more  carrys you the length of the Island dos Cobras which lies before the City. keep the North side of this Island bore onboard & Anchor above it in 5 fa.om. Water where you see most Convenient before the Monastry of Benidictines which stands upon a hill at the NW End of the City: Small Ships & Vessels generally lay- between the Town & the Ilha des Cobras, but in order to get these they must come round the Nº. side of that Island-

[note left margin] - The Forts & Battry's  discribed-
 I shall now give the best discription I can of the Different Forts that are Erected for the Defence of this Bay, the first you meet with coming in from Sea is a Battry[sic] of 22 Guns seated in the Bottom of a sandy Bay which is on the Sº. side of the Sugar Loaf & can be designed for no other use than to Hinder an Enemy from landing in the Valley from whence I suppose they may march up to the Town or round by the W.t side of the Sugar Loaf to attack the Forts that are on that side of the Entrance into the Bay, the first of which is Seated under the foot of the Sugar Loaf on a low Isthmus which Joyne the Peninsula or Point of the Bay with the Land of the Sugar Loaf it appears to be a square of Stone Work without a  Ditch, with Bastions & furnished with Cannon, a little within this Fort are 2 Battry's of 5 or 6 Guns each, they are designed to play upon Shipping but neither these Battrys or the Fort are out of reach of a Ships Cannon hard by these Battrys stand Fort Logia; it is an irregular Hexagon built of Stone upon a Small Rock standing at the West Entrance of the Bay & is surrounded on all Side by the Sea it is mounted with 14 or 15 Guns which are placed so as to play upon Shipping going in & out of the Harbour, There is only one way to go into it which is by Steps Leading up to a Sally Port on the NW.t. side & Opposite this is the Fort of Santa Cruze built upon a low rocky Point that forms the East Entrance of the Bay, it hath the Appearance of a Regular Fortification of Stone Work built upon the Slope of the Rock on which account there are in some Places 2 Tier of Guns it hath no Ditch but on the Land side where it is cut out of the Rock, in every other part the Sea washes up to its Walls, it seems every where to be well Mounted with Cannon Except on the land side where none are wanting, because they could be of no use the land being so very high above it. Yet after all neither this Fort nor those on the opposite shore do not appear to be of any great Strength even against Shipping for which they are wholy design'd , being the Key of This Bay they lay low & Ships may come so near as to have them entirely within the reach of their Guns, but it would require 5 or 6 Sail of the line to insure Success. Between 2 & 3 Miles within the Entrance of the Bay on the West Side is the Isle BorghLeone upon the E.t Point of which is Erected Battry of Stone & Mounted with 17 Pieces of Cannon, besides this on the highest part of the Island is a Battry of 6 Guns mounted on an Open Platform these Battry's are designed to play upon Shipping in the Bay & seems not ill design'd for that purpose yet they would be Obliged to Submit to the Attack of Shipping or that of a Land force there being nothing to hinder the latter from Landing on the Island behind the Battry's-Opposite to this Island on the low point on the East side of the Bay is the Battry of S.t Dominica of 7 Guns, a little without this Battry on the East side of the Bay is a small but high Island close to the Shore on the Top of which lies the

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