State Library of NSW
Remarkable Occurrances in Batavia Road Octr 1770 as we anchor'd I sent Lieutenant Hicks ashore to acquaint the Govn.r of our arrival & to make an excuse for not saluting; as we could only do it with 3 guns I thought it was better let alone. The carpenter now deliver'd me in the defects of the ship of which the following is a copy. The defects of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour Lieutenant James Cook Commander The ship very leaky/as she makes from 12 to 6 inches water p hour/occasioned by her main kiel being wounded in many places & the seams of her stern being very open. The false kiel gone beyond the midships/from forward & perhaps further/as I had no opportunity of seeing for the water when hauld ashore for repair/wounded on her starboard side under the main chain where I immagine is the greatest leakes (but could not come at it for the water) one pump on the starboard side useless, the others decay'd within 11/2 inch of the boat, otherwise masts, gards, boats & hull in pretty good condition. Dated in Batavia Road this 10th October 1770 J Satterly Previous to the above I had consulted with the carpenter & all the other officers concerning the leake & they were all unanimously of opinion that it was not safe to proceed to Europe without first seeing her bottom accordingly I resolved to apply for leave to heave her down at this place & as I understood that this was to be done in writing I drew up the following request to be presented to the Governor etc. Lieutenant James Cook commander of His Britannick Majesty's Bark Endeavour request of the Right Hon'ble Petrus Alverus Van der Parra Governor General etc etc etc Indulgently of the following articled/Viz/ Firstly.. That he may be allow'd a proper & convenient place to heave down & repair His Brittanick Maj.y ship under his command Secondly.. That he may have leave to purchase such few trifling naval stores as he may be in want of Thirdly.. That he may be permitted daily to purchase such provis.ns as he may want, also such an additional quantity as
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