
page 67

Remarkable Occurrences & I.[incidents] in the  South Seas-
Fine & Middle arts little wind & dark cloudy wea.r latter fresh Gales & Cloudy with some rain PM had a Boat out & Shott several sorts of Birds, one of which was an Albetross as large as a Goose, whose wings when Extended measured 10 feet 2 Inchs.: this was grey but these are of them all White except the very tip and of their Wings, another sort in size between an Albetross & a large Gull of a grey Colour with a white Spot above their Tail about the Breadth of ones hand & sev.l other sorts-

Fresh Gales with heavy squalls the firstpt. remainder little wind & Cloudy & very cold weather
A Mod.te breeze of Wind with some flying showers of hail & rain close upon a Wind all this day-
A fresh breeze & dark cloudy w.r  with some showers of rain the wind varying from Wt to N b W. obliged us to Tack several times- 
Firstpt. cloudy with Squalls of wind & Showers of rain & hail, Latterpt . thick hasey with frequent Showers-
Fresh gales all this day sometimes squally with rain under Double reef Topsail in this night & Single reeft Topsail in the Day.

The formerpt. of this day had such breezes & Dark cloudy weaer. in the night hard Squally with rain & afterwards hazey rainy weather.
Formerpt. Light Airs with drizling rain, remainder a Modte. breeze & Cloudy-
First & Middlept. fresh gales & cloudy latter little wind & clear having for sometime past generally found the Ship by Observon. to the Northwd. of the Log which is not owing to a Curr. as I at first imagin'd, but to a wrong Division of the Log line being 2½ feet in each Knot but this is now rectified-

The first of these 24 Hours modte. breezes & Cloudy, remainder fresh Gales & cloudy PM saw a great many Albetrosses & other Birds about the Ship, some were all white & about the size of Teal, took several Observations of the sun & moon the result of which gave 90.13Wt. Longde. from Greenwich. the Variat.on of the Compass by the Mean of several Azmth. Et. The by .... is left then that by Observ.on 37º  which it about 20 Miles in these high & nearly Equal to the Error of the Log line before mentioned this near Agreement of the 2 Longde.Proves to a Demonstration that we have had no Western Current since we left the Land-
others to this day Prefer the Straits of Magellan; As I have never been in those Straits Seas can only from my Judgment on Carefull Comparrison of the Difft. Ships Journals that have Passed them & those that have sail'd round Cape Horn Particularly the Dolphins ...last Voyages & this of ours, being made at the same season of the Year when one may reasonably expect the same Winds to prevail, the Dolphin in her last Voyage was 3 Months in getting through the Straits not reckoning the time she lay in Port Iamine...& I am firmly Perswaided from the Winds we have had that had we come by that Passage


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