Volume 71: Macarthur family papers relating to wool and sheep, 1820-1936: No. 247
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[Page 247]
Mrs Arthur. A. P. Onslow
Exhibits Agent Mr Hatton 7 Change Alley Circular Quay
Wool {Six fleeces greasy combing unskirted
" { " " " clothing "
[Written in pencil] p. 8th will try & be at the shearing to Select.
Maize Half Bushel of Variety
" " " "
" " " "
" In cob - twelve cobs Variety
" " " "
" " " "
To be sold
Olive oil One dozen bottles - {Expressed from olives grown Camden Park 1884
Olives preserved - six bottles - grown at Camden Park
Prunes One crate
Walnuts "
Chesnuts " Bag
Bunya Bunya nuts " " seeds of Araucaria Bidwillii
Bunya Bunya Cone - One cone
Macadamia nuts
Collection of various grains. Farm produce -
Preserved fruits - Collection of -