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struck with the likeness of his favorite ram, to our No 2 Ram, of 1826 - & of one of his best Ewes to our "Miss Scott". * Their fleeces are very even & silky, and possess the true Merino wave in the Staple, but I thought them, in general, too open. The favourite Ram is a Son of the Ewe, I have mentioned above, as resembling "Miss Scott". A grandson, a yearling, is even still more promising, & a brother & sister also very beautiful. The family likeness between these animals is very striking. Mr Von Planitz breeds entirely from his own Rams.

He is very careful not to breed too close, having experienced the ill effects of so doing. Where this is not scrupulously avoided, the progeny diminish in size, and their fleeces in weight.

* A choice Ewe of Mr McAs named "Miss Scott" by the Shepherd, because Archdeacon Scott considered her the most perfect model of the Escurial Race, & always inquired for her, when he visited Camden.

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