Volume 71: Macarthur family papers relating to wool and sheep, 1820-1936: No. 130
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Shepherd has his board & lodging, & the privilege of keeping 35 Sheep of his own, with the flock, free of expense. The other two Men are fed & lodged, & receive from 30 to 40 Thalens, £4. 10. - to £6 per annum wages. This is the common System of management in Saxony. Its complication, makes it difficult to calculate the expense of a flock, even on the part of the Proprietor, whilst to a Stranger, it renders the calculation quite impractible.
The advantage, proposed to be derived, from allowing the Shepherd a certain number of Ewes in the flock, is, that as his own sheep, are mingled with his Master's, he cannot neglect the one, without neglecting the other. Mr Schutze keeps his finest woolled whethers till 7 years old - the others are sold at 2 or 3 years old, The average price is is about 3 Thalens 9s/- each.