Series 02: Journal of a tour in Holland, 12 February - 22 March 1773 - No. 0046

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certainly difficult to guess.

26.   Early in the morn I went to the Booksellers carrying with me a list of Books which I wanted to procure I found these gentlemen if anything more indifferent than the other tradesmen I had attempted to buy of out of 4 whom I went to only one deignd to read over my list the others on seeing the first two or three names declard that they were not to be got in holland & the first declard off from serving me because I did not buy 2 old botanical books which he brought me & I suppose wishd to sell.

At 10 went to Mr Vandermeulens whose collection I had heard much spoke of pennance however is necessary before mortals can enjoy heaven, the room in which it was kept was without fire nor did there seem to have been one for some years it snowd & raind most terribly but we were forcd to bear all the most remarkable things were

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