Series 02: Journal of a tour in Holland, 12 February - 22 March 1773 - No. 0041

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Feb. 1773 - Harlem

he I causd to be made in remembrance of the inventors of the art of Printing Coster. 

From  hence we went to a church to hear the organ the Largest in the world by many degrees it cost us a ducat to the organist & 30 stivers to the bellows blower but I realy [really] though [thought] the musick a good compensation the church tho very Large was filld so compleatly with the harmony that the vibrations of the deep notes were very sensibly to be felt jarring our whole bodies upon the whole it was the most noisy harmony & the most harmonious noise I have any Idea of.

The instrument is playd upon by 4 sets of keys 3 of which are for the hands & the other for the feetds feet.  it is said that Handel came to see this instrument & setting down to it playd so remarkably that the Organist cried out Sir there is a Mr Handel in the world who is said to be the best player in it you sir must be either him or 

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