Series 02: Journal of a tour in Holland, 12 February - 22 March 1773 - No. 0022

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Anguis platura two species of flat taild snakes nothing of which was known
Gymnotus Carapo the Electrical Eel of Surinam with a number of rare fish many very beautiful chiefly from the East indies
Lemur tardigradus Mr Vosmaer could not be persuaded but that this was a new animal & intends to describe it under the name of Paresseux [?] des Indes
Gerbua [?] a new species as large as a midling rabbit with teeth exactly like those of the Common one
Sus with no dentes incisores describd by Pallas from the Cape
Sagittarius with the body & beak of an Eagle Legs & claws of a Heron
Columba Banda Pigeon as large as a hen with a beautiful crest
Pavo Bird of the size of a small Turkey Colourd something like a Peacock his crest consisting of several feathers broad at the top & naked below I fancy this is a variety of mule between a Turkey & a Peacock

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