State Library of NSW
[Page 74]
8. This day in doing absolutely nothing at all in The Evening we went to the French Comedy where we were not much either entertaind or Edified.
9. Went this morn to see the Botanick garden with the Professor Swenkins who received us very civily & shewd us his [indecipherable] in very good health he had a fine plant of Eugenia pulposa & another of Gardenia Capensis the finest & most flourishing I have seen in Holland nothing else in his Garden struck me but he shewd me after we came from thence a tolerable collection of birds & fish the former of which were preservd in bottles without any liquor but corked up very carefully a method which I look upon to be very good among some few stuffed animals which he had was an Embrio of a Hippopotamas of Sea Cow as large as a small Bull-dog.
at night we were at a grand supper given by Prince Galitzin the Russian ambassador here where were many people much Card playing
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