State Library of NSW
[Page 59]
March 1773
besides these he has several magnificent curiosities as a peice of fine ambergris weighing 200 pound or 100 ounces troy a Tourmaline weighing 46 Carrats & a whole bag I believe 10 of the pedra del forco one of which weighed 2 lood 3/8 [Transcribers note: in a circle in the margin,Tourmaline.]
3. Called this morning upon Mr May who read a dissertation he had wrote 19 years ago upon the Solomons Islands in which he conjectured them to lay very near New Guinea.
at 12 set out for utrecht in a track skuyf which we had hird to ourselves & which of course was obliged to wait the orders we pleased to give them for this Conveyance 7½ hours or near 30 miles we payd 15 florins about 28 shillings English at ½ past 7 we arrivd at Utrecht & were immediately taken up by Mr Lutens coach which waited for us & carried to his house where we met a good deal of Company groups & sent home.
This day we were informed the Storks arrived at this town.
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