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No. 761    1840?

Statement of probable expenses upon 900 breeding Ewes in two flocks supposed to be purchased in lamb, and to be kept upon thirds, with the probable value of the thirds upon the wool and upon the increase to the person keeping them.

Calculated for  years commencing with the autumn of the year.

1st year

Dr     Cr
Wages of 2 Shepherds @ £25. 50. 0. 0 By 3d if 900 fleeces weighing
2½ lbs each = 750lbs
56. 5. 0
Rations of  do calculate  & each @  
7lbs of 
meat @ 6d & 11lbs flour 1 peck of
wheat @ 2/6 per week
31. 4. 0 By perhaps 3d of supposed increase viz
140 male lambs - @ 7/ & 140 females @ 20/-
189. 0 0
Wages of one watchman @ £20 20. 0. 0   245. 5. 0
Rations of do   15.12. 0    
Washing 900 Ewes @ 2/ per ewe  4.10. 0    
Shearing  do       do  @ 4/ per do 9. 0. 0    
Wool bags for 1/3 if the wool 40   2. 0. 0    
Expense of 80 Hurdles @ 2/ each
supposed to last 3 years                
8. 0. 0    
3d of expense of a hut supposed 
to last 3 years £6
6. 0. 0    
Sundry petty Expenses Unforseen 9.12. 0    
  £160. 8. 0    

Supposed losses by deaths upon the whole during this year  40.
Increases say 93 per et on 840 lambs being 3 over,

Current Status: 