Item 02: Kamilaroi, and other Australian Languages, by Rev. William Ridley, 2nd ed. (Sydney, 1875) - Page 39

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Gūndimaian (Gundamaine) ... house on the stream

Biridja (Breeza) ... place of fleas

Bukkitarō (Pokataroo) ... river going wide

Bilagha (Piliga) ... head (gha) of scrub oak (Bila)

Gorāman (Graman) ... long plain, or glade

Worra (Warrah) ... on the left hand (i.e. from Murrurundi)

Bāwun (Barwan) ... great, wide, awful (River)

Burī Warina (Breewarrina) ... trees (scrub acacia, commonly called briglow) standing up (in clumps)

Burīagal ... related to the burī

Burīagala (Briglow) ... place of the burī

Ƞamai (Namoi) ... place of the ƞamai tree (a variety of the acacia) or from ƞamū breast (the river curving like a woman's breast)

Guïdā (Gwydir) ... place or river of red (banks)​​​​​​​

Gūnīwaraldai ... lime or white stone (gūnī) spread​​​​​​​

Bukkiberaī (Boggabry) ... place of creeks​​​​​​​

Gūnidā (Gunnedah) ... place of white stone (others say place of the destitute)

Kulgoa (Culgoa) ... running through or returning ​​​​​​​

Kobadā (Cobbedah) ... place of a hill​​​​​​​

Munīlā (Manilla River) ... round about (this river forms almost a circle)​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Milli ...  white pipeclay (silicate of magnesia)

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